Category: Sustaining and Surviving
How do you prolong a product’s valuable lifetime?
If you look objectively, the actual business interests of the initiative are after MR. Hence the longer the product is in the market the better. Even during the architecting phase one should keep that perspective to ensure market longevity of the product. In a disruptive environment, having a capable, scalable and resilient hardware with field…
Reducing TTM while tracking ROI, NPV throughout the lifecycle
This is a chart that I prepared by combining the SE lifecycle model and the Return Map diagram. The reason I did this is because Systems Engineering focus on costs, schedules and quality aspects of the lifecycle but doesn’t emphasis enough on the time value which helps in the decision-making process. Return Maps on the…
Thinking in Systems, A Primer by D. Meadows
Thinking in Systems, A Primer, ISBN: 978-1603580557